Drop-in ferrite circulators at high peak and average power are available for radar and other applications from UHF to S-band.
A broad line of low loss HIGH POWER Drop-in circulators are available from VHF to Ku band including Kilowatt average power levels at VHF thru S band. L and S band radar are a speciality. Also Isolator option.
A) 2.7-3.1 GHZ 1 kW pk, 100 W av CT-3903-ST |
B) 1.2-1.4 GHZ 3 kW pk, 300 W av CT-3885-S |
C) UHF TV 5 kW pk, 500 W av CT-1326-A |
D) UHF TV 1kW pk, 250 W ave CT-1615S |
E) 128 MHz 20kW pk, 1 kW av CT-1739-S |
240-320 MHz 5 kW AVG CT-1645-S |
80 MHz 10 kW pk, 2 kW av CT-1849-S |

High Power Drop-In 113kb